Daniel James

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In 2020 Remember this Feeling

As we see the end of another year, we must be grateful that we made it. 

At the same time, we must maintain the rage and despair most of us are feeling right now at what is happening around us as our country burns. We must never forget that climate change is real, that we, those at the top of food chain have an impact on that change. 

 We must remember what we feel now. 

Far too often we forget with the changing of the seasons, the winds that blow self-interest our way, in atmosphere so thick we can’t see past our own noses, a common occurrence here in the first world. 

No matter our political persuasions it is now time to demand more of our leadership. The political class stopped representing we the people a long time ago. Our political class is now, more than ever, captured by a ragtag collection of vested interests. Ideologues in the government seem unable to conceive policy or action beyond their own pet cultural battles, battles contrived by them to keep them and their world in a position of authority.  

We live in a world where authority exists for authority’s sake. 

This use to be only true of totalitarian regimes. Non-democratic and benevolent administrations that don’t serve anything beyond themselves. But now as we head into 2020 this is true of our democracy experiment, our western democracies which have been hacked by the political class. 

We must remember what we feel now in the depth of summer. We must remember this in the depth of winter.

Because no matter how stridently political apparatchiks try and hack our democracy, we must remember our vote means something. Complacency, fence sitting or tuning out is no longer an option. If we are to continue to be thankful for what we have then we must remember that with gratitude comes responsibility. 

It is up to all of us to help create the world want. Our country is on fire. Climate change is real. We have an impact on it. 

Remember this feeling. Use it to enact change. 

I wish you and yours a happy and staunch 2020.